A new phase for KIBCA

KIBCA is entering a new phase. Up until now the emphasis has been on establishing the protected area and establishing KIBCA as a community-based voice for conserving the important biodiversity values of Kolombangara. However from time to time over the last 5 years, KIBCA has become ‘bogged down’ with customary land issues.This has distracted KIBCA from other important issues and should not be the key focus for our organisation.

As the alienated land occupies over 75% of Kolombangara, KIBCA now wants to return its focus to this area, while still taking an interest in what takes place on the customary land.

Key priorities for the alienated land are:

  • Strengthening awareness of the protected area and those parts of the customary land which have been agreed to;
  • Developing a Management Plan for the protected area in consultation with the communities;
  • Growing awareness of the potential for Sustainable Livelihoods and Microfinance opportunities in our communities so we are not dependent on cash money from logging.