KIBCA News - Jun 2013

LInemon leana ta KIBCA pa rea June. Linemono pia ta ria tinon Kolombangara Dughore beti ria pu tokamai ni vinatana. Linemono leana pia gmuguena KIBCA beti ria tinavete pu ta tavete pa kinopu di ria noda tinago pa kastom. Ria na ropete puaki qavere, pa melaka, igana pa kolo, beti pa sagaru. Tiroa, qetunia beti qetuni hor’kakaha nia linemon hoa.

Welcome to the June edition of the KIBCA News. The newsletter is for the supporters of KIBCA land, people and people of Kolombangara. It's an update on KIBCA's efforts to protect the island's biodiversity and culture. Enjoy our News.

For the latest news about KIBCA, click on the individual stories below or download the formatted pdf file.
