Speech competition results
The winner in Junior category received $100 and the senior category the winner received $200.
Both winners presented their speeches to the Minister of Environment at the Festival official ceremony.
Junior Category (Forms 1-3)
1st: Izian Zuadi, Poitete CHS (Poporo Village, Kolombangara)
Senior Category (Forms 4-6)
1st: Tony Baronia, Ringgi CHS (Boboe Village, Kohingo)
2nd: Lomila Lio, Betikama NSS (Kukundu Village, Kolombangara)
A speech of 3-5 min was presented on the topic of why it is important to protect biodiversity on Kolombangara Island and what is the best way to do this. Nine speeches were presented in the Junior category and four speeches in the Senior category. There were participants from Ringgi CHS, Poitete CHS and Betikama NSS.
Prize donated by JS Store, Ringgi.
Solomon Star agreed to publish the winning speech in each category.